Divisional Public School & Inter College, Sahiwal

040 450 2663-64

Student Support

Mon - Sat: 08:00 a.m. - 06:20 p.m.

Parents always welcome


It is a national cause. The principal desire maximum students should participate in poster making competition.

Amazing Opportunity Free  for Class I - XII

A message from 


Program Director

Innovative Learning (KSF-PAKISTAN)

Covid - 19 Awareness Poster

Dear All,

Due to early summer vacations all over Pakistan, Innovative Learning gives the young students an opportunity to create a poster for the awareness of COVID-19 on the theme of “BREAK THE CHAIN” for students, teachers, parents and other people. It is our social responsibility to support the national morale in times of crisis, convey positive feelings, inspire peace and tranquillity.

Note that the participation in this competition is FREE and the last date for submission is June 11, 2020 at 10:00 AM. To check other requirements for submission of poster, please visit:

Poster for Covid-19 Awareness 2020